Journal of Community Development and Disaster Management <p style="text-align: justify;"><em>Journal of Community Development and Disaster Management</em> is a journal published by the Department of Islamic Community Development Faculty of Da'wah, Institute of Islamic Studies Sunan Giri (INSURI) Ponorogo. <em>Journal of Community Development and Disaster Management</em> publishes articles based on literature review and field research related to community development and disaster management. The focus and scope of the theme is on social development which includes science, theory, social concepts related to Islam, culture, tradition and social structure.</p> Institut Agama Islam Sunan Giri Ponorogo en-US Journal of Community Development and Disaster Management 2808-1390 <p><em><strong><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">JCD: Journal of Community Development and Disaster Management</span></span></strong> </em><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"> rekomendasi pencipta untuk memegang hak cipta tanpa batasan dan batasan pencipta untuk memiliki hak publikasi tanpa batasan, juga pemilik hak komersial atas artikel tersebut adalah pencipta.</span></span></p> Pemberdayaan Penanganan Banjir Di Desa Dororejo Kecamatan Tayu Kabupaten Pati <p>Dororejo Village is located in a lowland area and is relatively sunken, making it prone to flooding. Therefore, efforts to deal with floods are needed by involving community participation. The purpose of this study was to find out how to empower flood management in Dororejo Village. The research method uses a qualitative descriptive approach. Collecting data using observation and interviews. From the results of data collection, field records were then carried out, validated and presented in a descriptive narrative. The results of the study show that flood management is carried out by identifying the causes and effects of flooding and then handling it by involving the participation of the community, government and volunteers. Community participation is carried out by being actively involved in every flood management effort. There are volunteers and the government as facilitators who provide assistance and provide social assistance to the community.</p> <p>Desa Dororejo berada di wilayah dataran rendah dan relatif cekung sehingga menjadikanya rentan terhadap banjir saat musim hujan datang. Oleh karenanya, dibutuhkan upaya penanganan banjir dengan melibatkan partisipasi masyarakat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana pemberdayaan penanganan banjir di Desa Dororejo. Adapun metode penelitian ini menggunakan kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi dan wawancara. Dari hasil pengumpulan data kemudian dilakukan pencatatan lapangan, divalidasi dan disajikan dalam narasi deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penanganan banjir dilakukan dengan melakukan identifikasi penyebab dan dampak banjir kemudian dilakukan penanganan dengan melibatkan partisipasi masyarakat, pemerintah dan relawan. Partisipasi masyarakat dilakukan dengan terlibat aktif dalam setiap upaya penanganan banjir. Adapun relawan dan pemerintah sebagai fasilitator yang melakukan pendampingan dan memberikan bantuan sosial masyarakat.</p> Saipullah Hasan Asih Setyaningrum ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-09-25 2023-09-25 5 2 49 58 10.37680/jcd.v5i2.3531 Pengaruh Ajaran Tarekat QAdiriyah wa Naqsyabandiyah Terhadap Perilaku Sosial Masyrakat Dukuh Pilang Desa Tulung Kecamatan Sampung <p>Do<em> Along with the development of the times, many deviant human behaviors, with increasingly sophisticated technology, humans are easily influenced by the outside world so that negative impacts easily penetrate human souls, positive activities are needed so that they can influence the socio-spiritual community. This thesis reports the results of the research, with the formulation of the problem: (1) what are the teachings of the Qadiriyah wa Naqsyabandiyah Order related to the socio-spiritual community (2) What is the influence of the teachings of the Qadiriyah wa Naqsyabandiyah Order on the socio-spiritual behavior of the Dukuh Pilang community, Tulung Village, Sampung District, with the procedure data collection through observation techniques, interviews and documentation. Based on the results of data analysis, it is concluded that there are a lot of positive influences from the teachings of the Qadiriyah wa Naqsyabandiyah Order that are felt by the congregation, making it feel more calm and peaceful in carrying out their daily lives, establishing friendship and making better relationships among fellow people, spiritual emotional life is more organized , making the congregation to always behave well towards family and society.</em></p> <p><em>Seiring dengan perkembangan zaman banyak perilaku manusia yang menyimpang, dengan adanya tekhnologi yang semakin canggih manusia mudah terpengaruh oleh dunia luar sehingga dampak Negatif mudah merasuki jiwa-jiwa manusia, di perlukannya kegiatan-kegiatan yang positif agar dapat mempengaruhi sosial spiritual masyarakat. Dalam Penelitian ini ada tiga pembahasan (1) Apa saja ajaran Tarekat Qadiriyah wa Naqsyabandiyah yang berkaitan dengan sosial spiritual masyrakat (2) Bagaimana pengaruh ajaran Tarekat Qadiriyah wa Naqsyabandiyah terhadap perilaku sosial spiritual masyrakat Dukuh Pilang Desa Tulung Kecamatan Sampung, dengan prosedur pengumpulan data melalui teknik observasi,wawancara dan dokumentasi. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data di peroleh simpulan bahwa banyak sekali pengaruh positif ajaran Tarekat Qadiriyah wa Naqsyabandiyah yang di rasakan jamaah, menjadikan lebih terasa tenang dan damai dalam menjalankan kehidupan sehari-harinya, menjalin silahturahmi dan menjadikan hubungan lebih baik antar sesama masyrakat kehidupan emosional spiritual semakin tertata, menjadikan jamaah untuk senantiasa berperilaku baik terhadap keluarga dan masyrakat.</em></p> Siti Fathonah Agus Setyawan Khafidhoh Khafidhoh ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-09-27 2023-09-27 5 2 59 71 10.37680/jcd.v5i2.3260 Manajemen Wisata Religi Dalam Meningkatkan Daya Tarik Terhadap Makam Mbah Zakaria di Desa Rowolaku <p>This research originated from the author's curiosity about the state and condition of Mbah Zakaria's Tomb and the Conditions of Tourist Attractions under the leadership of the Mbah Zakaria Dining Board, Rowolaku Village, Kajen District, Pekalongan Regency. Furthermore, the author conducted research by trying to go directly to the field or the destination of the survey was the burial place of Mbah Zakaria to meet the guard as the caretaker of Mbah Zakaria's tomb. This research is qualitative research. The author's method used in this study is the inductive method. The inductive method is a way of discussing a problem that is different from existing and real information and facts, from conclusions then more general conclusions are drawn. In this case, the author's approach refers to the science of da'wah, this study approach Using one of these auxiliary sciences is a management approach. To obtain the necessary information, the author uses a method of data collection, participant observation, interviews and documentation. The purpose of this study is to find out the application and functions of these. Management of Religious Tourism of Mbah Zakaria's Tomb in Rowolaku Village, Kajen District, Pekalongan Regency. Referring to the existing theory of control functions, although not optimally applied, namely: planning, organization, activation (movement) and control (tracking).</p> Eno Larassanti Zaenab Zaenab Khaerunnisa Tri Darmaningrum ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-09-28 2023-09-28 5 2 73 79 10.37680/jcd.v5i2.2978 Pemberdayaan Karang Taruna Dalam Meningkatkan Potensi Desa Wisata Melalui Sadar Wisata Di Desa Bancangan Sambit <p><em>Karang Taruna is a forum for the development of the younger generation, which grows on the basis of awareness and a sense of social responsibility for the community, especially the younger generation in the Baancang village area or equivalent social community. which is primarily engaged in social welfare. The existence of youth who are members of youth organizations in the village becomes a core forum as a unifying paradigm and generates interest in talent in order to empower youth, this cannot be separated from the encouragement of the local government and the community so that youth youth organizations become productive forums for village progress and sustainability of the village of Baancang. . Judging from the natural conditions, the village of Baancang has a variety of natural resources that should be maintained and developed and can even be used as a land of income that has economic value for individuals and local community groups, a beautiful environment, and the achievement of promising developments. This is the basis for the problem to be solved in an effort to achieve the expected goals. One of the villages that is rich in natural potential but has not been optimized. Based on the partner's problems, the problems can be solved by several approaches, namely observation and socialization of the program and objectives: lectures, discussions, evaluations. The workshop activities have a very good impact and provide awareness of the importance of increasing tourism villages in Baancang village. In this way, there will be workshops on tourism awareness for youth groups, rangers, village officials as well as enthusiastic communities in increasing the potential of tourism villages in Baancang Village.</em></p> Siti Nur Kurnia Suci Tamrin Fathoni ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-09-29 2023-09-29 5 2 81 89 10.37680/jcd.v5i2.2928 Peran Karang Taruna Dalam Mengembangkan Taman Desa Di Desa Prajegan Kecamatan Sukorejo Ponorogo <p>Ponorogo merupakan sebuah kabupaten yang memilki banyak potensi yang harus dikembangkan dan lestarikan, baik potensi alam maupaun potensi budaya yang ada didaerah Ponorogo. Didesa Prajegan yang bertempat sebelah utara Kabupaten Ponorogo lebih tepatnya hapir berbatasan dengan Kabupaten Magetan,&nbsp; Desa Prajegan juga&nbsp; mempunyai potensi alam&nbsp; Buatan yang bagus yaitu Taman Sumringah yang berda disebelah Timurnya Kantor Kepala Desa Prajegan. Didalam sebuah Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui (1) Bagaiaman Peran Pemuda dalam membangun wisata desa, (2) Menjadikan komponen masyarakat mau dalam menawarkan ide-ide membangun wisata, (3) Strategi bagaimana pemerintah Desa dan Pemuda dalam mengembangkan objek wisata Desa. Jenis penelitian dalam skripsi ini mengunakan Penelitian Kualitatif,dengan pendekatan bagaimana Peran Pemuda Ansor dan Karang Taruna Dalam Mengembangkan Taman Desa Di Desa Prajegan. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa didalam sebuah pembangunan dan pengembangan wisata peran pemuda dan masyarakat dalam melakukan pengembangan dan terus perbaikan dalam membangun wisata lebih indah dan nyaman untuk pengunjung yang datang dan akan berwisata. Dengan itulah pemuda mempunyai semangat tinggi dalam melakukan dan mengembangkan budaya yang ada Di Desa Prajegan baik budaya kesenian seperti Reog,ketroprak,Gajah, Unta dan masih banyak lagi yang menjdikan meningkatkan potensi desa menjadi lebih baik dan mempunyai daya saing tinggi terhadap yang lain,dengan itulah pemuda Ansor dan Karang Taruna harus bisa meneruskan dan melakukan perubahan&nbsp; menjadi yang lebih baik.</p> <p><em>Ponorogo is a district that has a lot of potential that must be developed and preserved, both natural potential and cultural potential in the Ponorogo area. In Prajegan Village, which is located in the north of Ponorogo Regency, almost directly adjacent to Magetan Regency, Prajegan Village also has good artificial natural potential, namely Sumringah Park which is located to the east of the Prajegan Village Head Office. In this research, it aims to find out (1) what is the role of youth in building village tourism, (2) making community components willing to offer ideas for building tourism, (3) strategies for how the village government and youth develop village tourism objects. The type of research in this thesis uses qualitative research, with an approach to the role of Ansor youth and youth organizations in developing village parks in Prajegan village. The results of this study indicate that in tourism development and development the role of youth and society is in developing and continuing to improve in building more beautiful and comfortable tourism for visitors who come and will travel. With that young people have high enthusiasm in carrying out and developing the culture that exists in Prajegan Village, both artistic culture such as Reog, ketroprak, elephants, camels and many more which make the village's potential better and have high competitiveness against others, with that Ansor youth and Karang Taruna must be able to continue and make changes for the better.</em></p> Eko Ihwanudin Muhammad Misbahuddin Teguh Ansori ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-09-29 2023-09-29 5 2 91 100 10.37680/jcd.v5i2.3334