Journal of Community Development and Disaster Management
<p style="text-align: justify;"><em>Journal of Community Development and Disaster Management</em> is a journal published by the Department of Islamic Community Development Faculty of Da'wah, Institute of Islamic Studies Sunan Giri (INSURI) Ponorogo. <em>Journal of Community Development and Disaster Management</em> publishes articles based on literature review and field research related to community development and disaster management. The focus and scope of the theme is on social development which includes science, theory, social concepts related to Islam, culture, tradition and social structure.</p>Institut Agama Islam Sunan Giri Ponorogoen-USJournal of Community Development and Disaster Management2808-1390<p><em><strong><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">JCD: Journal of Community Development and Disaster Management</span></span></strong> </em><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"> rekomendasi pencipta untuk memegang hak cipta tanpa batasan dan batasan pencipta untuk memiliki hak publikasi tanpa batasan, juga pemilik hak komersial atas artikel tersebut adalah pencipta.</span></span></p>Strategi Pengembangan Potensi Wisata Svarga Minapadi di Desa Panembangan Kecamatan Cilongok Kabupaten Banyumas
<p>This study examines the Strategy for Developing the Potential of Panembangan Village, Cilongok District, Banyumas Regency. The research method used is a qualitative method with descriptive analysis. The data sources used are primary and secondary data collected through observation, interviews, and documentation. The theory used is the strategic management theory according to Fred R David (2011) which has three stages, namely strategy formulation, strategy implementation, and strategy evaluation. The results of the study indicate that at the strategy formulation stage, the vision and mission are not yet available, causing medium-term and long-term goals to not be implemented. In addition to these conditions, developing alternative strategies and choosing appropriate strategies for Svarga Minapadi tourism has not been implemented. At the strategy implementation stage, setting annual goals in Svarga Minapadi tourism is carried out through a short-term plan for allocating village funds to build tourism facilities. Sustainable policies and resource allocation have been implemented through the development of new destinations in the form of Minapadi Technopark and Panembangan Aquatic. At the strategy evaluation stage, reviewing internal and external factors has not been implemented consistently by Svarga Minapadi tourism. Performance can be measured by the number of visitors and income which tend to increase and are stable. Corrective actions can be taken by improving facilities and adjusting strategies that can be implemented through monthly evaluation forums.</p>Andi RokhaniChamid SutiknoIndah Ayu Permana PribadiChanifia Izza MillataAriesta Amanda
2025-01-072025-01-077111810.37680/jcd.v7i1.6701Peningkatan Potensi Desa Wisata Denai Lama Melalui Edukasi dan SDGs
<p><em>This research aims to find out how to increase the potential of the Old Denai tourist village through education and SDGs. This type of research uses qualitative methods with a descriptive approach. The informants for this research are the head of Denai Lama Village, Chair of the Sanggar Circle Foundation, MSME Culinary Traders and Tourists. Data collection techniques in this research are interview and observation techniques. The data analysis technique in this research uses data reduction, data display, and conclusion verification. </em><em>Increasing the potential of the Denai Lama tourist village through education and implementing sustainable development goals (SDGs) aims to optimize local resources and improve the welfare of local communities. This research examines how education based on SDGs principles can support sustainable tourism development in the village. By focusing on strengthening human resource capacity, environmental conservation, and local economic empowerment, this strategy is expected to create tourism villages that are environmentally friendly, inclusive, and sustainable. This research also highlights the importance of collaboration between government, society and the private sector in creating a developing tourist village by integrating SDGs principles, in order to increase tourist attraction, improve quality of life, and preserve culture and nature in Denai Lama.</em></p>Ahmad Sujai TanjungYulia YuliaFitri FitriTia TiaAnnisa AnnisaNurul NurulNadila Nadila
2025-01-102025-01-1071193410.37680/jcd.v7i1.6698Desiminasi Ideologi Jihadi Kaos Islam Anak-Anak Pada Distro Rafa Muslim Fashion Di Surakarta
<p>This article, study examines the dissemination of jihadist ideology among in Surakarta Muslim children through to clothing/fashion. This research takes the case study of Rafa Muslim Fashion (RMF). The RMF was chosen as the object of research because in Surakarta the massive desimination of jihad ideology through dakwa t-shirts. By taking, the RMF kidz jihadi children's shirts, this study answers the question of why jihadi actors spread the ideology of radicalism through Islamic t-shirts? What is the pattern of radicalism promoted by RMF in the Islamic Jihadi shirt? How did the children respond to the Muslim Jihadi kidz t-shirts? To answer this research, the author conducted field research at the RMF distribution in Surakarta. The author argues that Muslim children in Indonesia, especially, Ngeruki, Surakarta, are exposed to the ideology of jihad to fashion dakwa t-shirt is because of the introduction of heroic figures through Islamic t-shirts. Koas Islam is used as a medium for desimination jihadi ideology alternative by actors jihadi. Through dakwa t-shirts that are designed in a trendy, stylish and modern way, Muslim children are attracted to jihadi t-shirts.</p>Eko SaputraArdiansyah Ardi
2025-01-182025-01-1871355010.37680/jcd.v7i1.6756Filantropi Sosial: Program Sekolah Nusantara Komunitas Senyum Anak Nusantara Chapter Riau
<p>Tulisan ini membahas filantropi sosial berbasis pendidikan di Komunitas Senyum Anak Nusantara Chapter Riau. Filantropi yang dilakukan berbeda dengan kegiatan filantropi pada umumnya. Relawan mengorbankan waktu, tenaga untuk mengajar anak-anak yang berada di daerah terpencil. Kepedulian relawan juga dapat dilihat dari kegigihan mencari inovasi dalam pembelajaran dan juga memberikan dorongan kepada anak-anak tersebut. Artikel ini akan menjawab pertanyaan utama yaitu bagaimana bentuk kegiatan filantropi sosial berbasis pendidikan oleh Komunitas Senyum Anak Nusantara Chapter Riau? Untuk menjawab pertanyaan tersebut, peneliti menggunakan metode etnografi yang bersumber dari penelitian lapangan di Komunitas Senyum Anak Nusantara Chapter Riau melalui wawancara. Lalu dianalisis dengan literatur sebelumnya yang relavan, sebagai tambahan informasi. Peneliti menggunakan metode etnografi melalui akun instagram @san.riau.2021 dan Hasil penelitian menggambarkan bahwa Komunitas Senyum Anak Nusantara Chapter Riau sebagai wadah bagi generasi muda untuk melakukan kegiatan sosial terutama di bidang pendidikan terutama di wilayah terpencil. Kegiatan filantropi tidak hanya pemberian materi namun bisa juga dengan jasa atau non materi.</p>Tita LatifahPipir Romadi
2025-01-222025-01-2271516410.37680/jcd.v7i1.6705Krisis Pendidikan Islam pada Generasi Muda di Perkebunan Tanjung Beringin
<p>The young generation growing up in this area often has limited access to quality education, especially religious education. This phenomenon is a serious problem in various regions including North Sumatra. The purpose of this study was to analyze the crisis of Islamic education in the young generation that occurred in Tanjung Beringin Plantation Village. The research method uses a qualitative descriptive approach, the analysis used is interactive data analysis with stages of data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The data sources used in this study were obtained from primary data sources through interviews and secondary data obtained from books and journals related to the discussion. The results of the study showed that several results were found, including: Lack of educators, The importance of government support, The unavailability of non-formal Islamic educational institutions, Lack of parental roles. The solution that can be given to overcome some of the above is to provide non-formal Islamic religious education institutions that are complete with various facilities and teachers who have abilities in the field of religion.</p>Ismail HuseinIsma Aulia Zamaakh SyariKhairina KhairinaHusnia Amro Br SinagaMaahfuzha Pane
2025-01-222025-01-2271657510.37680/jcd.v7i1.6772Collaborative Governance dalam Pengembangan Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah (UMKM) di Kecamatan Kedungbanteng Kabupaten Banyumas
<p>This research analyzes the implementation of <em>Collaborative Governance </em>in the development of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Kedungbanteng District, Banyumas Regency. <em>Collaborative Governance </em>involves various stakeholders, including government, the private sector, and civil society, to create comprehensive and sustainable solutions. Data from the Banyumas Regency Department of Manpower, Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises shows a significant increase in the number of MSMEs from 2017 to 2021, with micro MSMEs dominating in Kedungbanteng District. This research highlights the important role of the Department of Manpower, Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises (Dinnakerkop) and Bank Indonesia in supporting MSMEs. Bank Indonesia supports access to financing and digitalization, while Dinnakerkop provides training and strengthens the capacity of MSMEs. Collaboration with the private sector, such as ASPIKMAS, is also important. The successful example from Banyuwangi Regency shows that <em>Collaborative Governance </em>can increase the competitiveness of MSMEs through innovation and wider market access. This research aims to find out how effective and sustainable the collaboration process is in developing MSMEs in Kedungbanteng District to improve the performance and competitiveness of MSMEs</p>Khafni Arij ElaniIndah Ayu Permana PribadiChamid SutiknoAriesta AmandaZaula Rizqi Atika
2025-01-242025-01-2471779510.37680/jcd.v7i1.6821Transformasi Sosial melalui Literasi Keuangan Syariah: Studi pada Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Ar-Razzaq Pekanbaru
<p>Pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dilaksanakan oleh guru-guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Ar-Razzaq Pekanbaru dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat pemahaman mereka terkait edukasi akad-akad pembiayaan syariah serta mengukur keberhasilan program pengabdian yang dilaksanakan. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini meliputi penyuluhan, presentasi, dan diskusi interaktif. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan bahwa program pengabdian ini dapat dilaksanakan dengan baik dan berjalan lancar sesuai rencana yang telah ditetapkan. Berdasarkan evaluasi, ditemukan bahwa tingkat pemahaman guru-guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Ar-Razzaq terhadap transaksi keuangan syariah beragam, mulai dari yang telah memahami dengan baik, yang masih ragu-ragu, hingga yang belum memahami sama sekali. Secara keseluruhan, tujuan program pengabdian masyarakat ini tercapai dengan baik berkat kolaborasi yang solid antara tim pengabdi dan kepala madrasah. Seluruh kegiatan berhasil terlaksana sesuai jadwal dan memberikan kontribusi positif dalam meningkatkan pemahaman guru terhadap konsep keuangan syariah.</p>Febri Delmi YettiJasmina Syafei
2025-01-242025-01-24719710510.37680/jcd.v7i1.6846Transformasi Sosial Melalui Kebijakan Penghapusan Aset Tetap Barang Milik Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Banyumas
<p>This research examines the process of writing off unused textbook assets at SMP Negeri 4 Banyumas Library through a non-auction sales system involving a third party. The study analyzes the implementation of policies for removing textbooks due to curriculum changes that render older materials irrelevant, leading to storage issues. Key aspects reviewed include authority and responsibility, write-off procedures, reporting procedures, and sales system procedures. Using qualitative methods, data was collected through observation, interviews, and documentation. The findings reveal that the fixed asset write-off process complies with existing regulations, guided by Donald S. Van Mater's theory.</p>Nurohman NurohmanChamid SutiknoIndah Ayu Permana PribadiAriesta AmandaChanifia Izza Milata
2025-01-242025-01-247110712110.37680/jcd.v7i1.6829Manajemen Kelompok Sadar Wisata Dalam Pengembangan Wisata Bukit Pangonan Indah di Desa Karang Gintung Kabupaten Banyumas
<p>This study examines the management of the Tourism Awareness Group (Pokdarwis) in developing the Bukit Pangonan Indah tourist attraction in Karanggintung Village, Kemranjen Sub-district, Banyumas Regency. Using a descriptive qualitative research method, this study aims to analyze the application of George R. Terry’s management principles—planning, organizing, implementing, and controlling—in the management of community-based tourism destinations. (1) Planning focused on creating a master plan that includes infrastructure development, such as flower gardens and trekking paths, to enhance local wisdom-based tourism potential. (2) Organizing involved establishing a clear work structure that includes the village government, BUMDes, Pokdarwis, and the community. (3) Implementation covered digital promotion, MSME empowerment, and the construction of tourism facilities as planned. (4) Monitoring was conducted through annual evaluations, financial reporting, and visitor satisfaction surveys to improve service quality and tourist appeal. In conclusion, the management of Bukit Pangonan Indah has contributed to the Village’s Own-Source Revenue (PADes), although not yet maximized. Recommendations include enhancing promotion efforts, diversifying tourism attractions, and strengthening stakeholder collaboration to ensure inclusive and sustainable tourism development.</p>Arman HidayatChamid SutiknoIndah Ayu Permana PribadiAriesta AmandaChanifia Izza Milata
2025-01-242025-01-247112314010.37680/jcd.v7i1.6828Pemanfaatan Teknologi Barcode untuk Manajemen Inventarisasi Mebeler Berbasis Aplikasi Mobile (Studi Pasa Fakultas Ekonomi Bisnis dan Informatika Universitas Bina Sehat PPNI Mojokerto)
<p>The research at the Faculty of Business Economics and Informatics, Bina Sehat University, PPNI Mojokerto, aims to address challenges in manual furniture inventory management, including difficulties in tracking furniture quantities, locations, and conditions. To solve this, a Smartphone-Based Furniture Inventory Reporting Management Application was developed. Data collection methods included observation of furniture management processes (sorting into feasible, less feasible, and unsuitable categories) and literature studies for application development. The prototype model, based on the SDLC method, was used with tools like Visual Studio Code and XAMPP. The application utilizes a barcode scanner to input furniture codes, organize data, and serve as a reference for procurement and sorting. It requires mobile internet for optimal functionality and compatibility across smartphones. The result is an efficient tool for managing furniture inventories..</p>Joko RistonoLuki ArdiantoroEko Gumilar
2025-01-292025-01-297114115310.37680/jcd.v7i1.6841Penerapan Teknologi Rekayasa Pengering Biji Kopi Menggunakan Lampu Sebagai Pemanas Pada Solar Dryer Dome
<p>Kampung Paseban merupakan wilayah dengan cuaca yang tidak menentu, yang menyebabkan pengeringan biji kopi menggunakan solar dryer dome menjadi kurang optimal. Hal ini sering mengakibatkan biji kopi berjamur, sehingga menurunkan kualitas produk. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, Tim Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PkM) mengembangkan teknologi pengering biji kopi berbasis lampu pemanas pada solar dryer dome untuk meningkatkan efisiensi pengeringan di Kampung Paseban. Teknologi ini memanfaatkan energi matahari dan lampu pemanas untuk mengurangi ketergantungan pada cuaca. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan peningkatan efisiensi pengeringan dengan menjaga suhu ideal 24-27°C dalam waktu tertentu yang dicapai sesuai dengan perubahan suhu melalui sistem kontrol suhu otomatis. Pelatihan petani tentang instalasi, pemeliharaan, dan pengoperasian sistem juga dilakukan. Teknologi ini berpotensi meningkatkan produktivitas dan pendapatan petani kopi, serta mendukung pelestarian lingkungan. Kolaborasi antara akademisi dan petani diharapkan dapat menjadikan sistem ini sebagai model teknologi berkelanjutan yang dapat direplikasi di berbagai daerah penghasil kopi di Indonesia.</p> <p> </p>Indra YusmanOjak Abdul RozakNur MadinahLilis Puspita DewiFernando CarlosDiki SobariMuhamad FazarMuhammad Haikal Azyura
2025-01-292025-01-297115516610.37680/jcd.v7i1.6726Optimalisasi Pengelolaan Asrama di UNIDA Gontor melalui Pendekatan Participatory Action Research
<p>Artikel ini membahas pendampingan program asrama di Universitas Darussalam Gontor sebagai bagian dari Program Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PkM) tahun 2024. UNIDA Gontor, sebagai universitas pesantren, mengintegrasikan sistem kepesantrenan dalam pendidikan formal, menjadikan asrama sebagai elemen penting. Pendampingan ini bertujuan membantu principal dalam mengelola program asrama secara efektif. Metode yang digunakan adalah Participatory Action Research (PAR), yang mencakup identifikasi, perencanaan, pelaksanaan, evaluasi, dan tindak lanjut. Hasilnya, tersusun 21 program asrama yang mendukung aspek tempat tinggal, interaksi sosial, dan pendidikan mahasiswa. Evaluasi menunjukkan program berjalan dengan baik, meskipun masih ditemukan kendala dalam konseling mahasiswa. Sebagai tindak lanjut, pendampingan akan diperpanjang dan diperluas ke aspek konseling dan teknologi informasi.</p>Hamidah TussifahAsif TrisnaniUsmanul KhakimKhurun'in Zahro'Amir Reza Kusuma
2025-01-312025-01-317116718510.37680/jcd.v7i1.6875Community Based Research dalam Pengembangan Pendidikan Kepemimpinan Islam di Yayasan Qurrotu A’yun (YQA) Ponorogo
<p>Program Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PkM) ini bertujuan untuk membantu Yayasan Qurrota A’yun (YQA) Ponorogo dalam merumuskan konsep pendidikan kepemimpinan Islam. Masalah utama yang dihadapi YQA adalah belum adanya sistem pendidikan kepemimpinan yang terstruktur bagi siswa, guru, karyawan, dan orang tua. Metode yang digunakan adalah Community-Based Research (CBR) dengan tahapan sosialisasi, pelaksanaan, evaluasi, dan tindak lanjut. Hasil PkM ini adalah tersusunnya model konseptual pendidikan kepemimpinan Islam yang mencakup tujuan kepemimpinan, karakter pemimpin ideal, keterampilan kepemimpinan, dan manajemen fungsi kepemimpinan Islam. Model ini menjadi dasar bagi pengembangan kurikulum kepemimpinan di berbagai satuan pendidikan di YQA. Sebagai tindak lanjut, program ini akan dikembangkan untuk menyusun kurikulum yang lebih aplikatif dan berbasis implementasi langsung di lapangan.</p>Mohammad Kholid MuslihJarman ArroisiUsmanul KhakimYusuf Almanaanu
2025-01-312025-01-317118719610.37680/jcd.v7i1.6876Asesmen Tingkat Potensi Bahaya dan Fasilitas Keselamatan Kerja di Laboratorium Pendidikan
<p>Workplace safety in laboratories is a top priority, especially for activities involving materials that have the potential to pose hazards, such as flammable chemicals or substances that may cause health issues. Educational laboratories in higher education institutions carry such hazard potential, necessitating adequate safety facilities and work safety procedures. This study aims to assess the level of hazard potential, as well as the implementation of work safety measures and the availability of safety facilities in educational laboratories at the university level. Data collection methods include questionnaires and interviews. The results indicate that most educational laboratories have a low level of dangerous gases, toxic chemicals, corrosive chemicals, and flammable chemical hazard potential. This hazard potential is supported by essential safety facilities such as fume hoods and fire extinguishers. This finding suggests that the availability of supporting safety facilities needs to be installed to improve the laboratory safety.</p>Retno Novvitasari Hery Daryono
2025-02-012025-02-017119720710.37680/jcd.v7i1.6669Peran Jaminan Sosial dalam Membangun Kesejahteraan Masyarakat Prespektif Maqoshid Syariah
<p><em>Social security plays an important role in building community welfare through four security systems, namely individual, family, community, and state security. In the perspective of Maqashid Syariah, social security aims to protect basic needs (dharuriyat), such as maintaining religion (din), soul (nafs), reason (aql), descendants (nasl), and property (maal), in order to achieve community happiness (falah). This study aims to analyze the role of social security in building community welfare with the Maqashid Syariah approach. The main focus of this study is to describe how the social security system can support the fulfillment of dharuriyat needs for all levels of society.This study uses a qualitative method with a literature study approach. The data used are secondary sources, such as documents, articles, and other supporting literature, which are analyzed descriptively to explore the role of social security based on the principles of Maqashid Syariah. The results of the study indicate that social security from the perspective of Maqashid Syariah can be an important instrument in building community welfare. Support from various parties, including BPJS, government, BAZ, LAZ, UPZ, Muslims, non-Muslims, and poor community groups, is needed to achieve this goal. The Maqashid Syariah approach emphasizes the importance of fulfilling dharuriyat needs as a foundation for just and inclusive social welfare</em></p>A. Fahmi ZakariyaRizka Dwita NurhayatiIka Nazilatur Rosida
2025-02-012025-02-017120922710.37680/jcd.v7i1.6767Analisis Konsumsi Energi dan Emisi GRK terhadap Biaya Perusahaan Manufaktur di Indonesia
<p><em>This study aims to analyze the impact of fossil fuel and electricity consumption on total costs, with greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions as an intervening variable in manufacturing firms in Indonesia. The manufacturing industry is one of the largest energy consumers, significantly contributing to GHG emissions and increasing environmental concerns. This study uses secondary data from the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) from 2020 to 2023, covering 96 manufacturing firms selected through purposive sampling. Data analysis was conducted using regression with path analysis through WarpPLS 7.0 software. The results show that: (1) GHG emissions have a positive and significant effect on coal, diesel, and other fuels (gasoline, kerosene, lubricants), a negative and significant effect on electricity, and a positive and significant effect on gas. (2) Total costs have a positive but insignificant effect on coal and diesel, a negative but insignificant effect on gas and other fuels (gasoline, kerosene, lubricants), and a negative and significant effect on GHG emissions. (3) Total costs through GHG emissions have a positive and significant influence on coal and diesel, a negative and insignificant effect on gas and other fuels, and a negative and significant effect on electricity. This study contributes to understanding how energy consumption affects corporate expenses and environmental impact. The findings suggest that increasing electricity use and reducing fossil fuel consumption can help lower emissions and optimize costs. Future research should explore the impact of government incentives on corporate energy efficiency strategies.</em></p>Septiana SihombingDian Mahardi LestariMutiah Fitriani NasutionLamia Eva Rini
2025-02-072025-02-077122924410.37680/jcd.v7i1.6899Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Melalui Aplikasi Si Polgan dalam Mewujudkan Smart Village di Desa Krandegan, Kecamatan Bayan, Kabupaten Purworejo
<p>Penelitian ini berfokus pada penerapan aplikasi Si Polgan sebagai strategi pemberdayaan ekonomi berbasis digital dalam mewujudkan Smart Village di Desa Krandegan, Kecamatan Bayan, Kabupaten Purworejo. Aplikasi ini dikembangkan oleh Pemerintah Desa Krandegan untuk meningkatkan efisiensi pelayanan publik, transparansi tata kelola pemerintahan, serta membuka peluang ekonomi bagi masyarakat desa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara dengan perangkat desa dan pelaku usaha lokal, observasi langsung terhadap penggunaan aplikasi, serta analisis dokumen kebijakan terkait digitalisasi desa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi Si Polgan berkontribusi signifikan terhadap peningkatan ekonomi masyarakat melalui fitur digitalisasi BUMDes, toko online, dan layanan transaksi berbasis digital. Pendapatan pelaku usaha meningkat rata-rata 20-30% setelah menggunakan platform ini, sementara efisiensi pelayanan administrasi desa meningkat hingga 40%. Namun, masih terdapat kendala dalam implementasinya, seperti rendahnya literasi digital masyarakat, keterbatasan infrastruktur teknologi, serta tantangan dalam integrasi sistem dengan layanan desa lainnya. Sebagai inovasi berbasis teknologi, penerapan aplikasi Si Polgan di Desa Krandegan dapat menjadi model yang dapat direplikasi di desa lain untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat berbasis digital. Penelitian ini merekomendasikan peningkatan infrastruktur digital, edukasi literasi teknologi bagi warga, serta sinergi antara pemerintah, akademisi, dan pelaku usaha dalam mengoptimalkan pemanfaatan teknologi untuk pemberdayaan ekonomi desa.</p> <p> </p>Anif Muchlashin
2025-02-072025-02-077124525710.37680/jcd.v7i1.6887Integration of Islamic Religious Education (PAI) with Pancasila in the Formation of Multicultural Character of Students in the Digital Era at SMP Muhammadiyah 03 Pacitan
<p>The integration of Islamic Religious Education (PAI) with Pancasila in shaping students' multicultural character in the digital era is a relevant topic in the context of multicultural globalization in Indonesia. Indonesian society faces various cultural, ethnic, and religious differences that require wise management to prevent social disintegration and to harness the innovative potential of multiculturalism. Education plays a crucial role in promoting peace, strengthening intercultural understanding, and creating an inclusive and harmonious society. This study aims to explore the planning of lessons integrating Islamic Religious Education with Pancasila in shaping a multicultural character at SMP Muhammadiyah 03 Pacitan. The research was conducted using a descriptive qualitative approach, focusing on the discussion of holistic and contextual character education in the school. The findings indicate that the integration of Islamic religious education with the values of Pancasila can serve as a strong foundation for building a peaceful and prosperous multicultural character. SMP Muhammadiyah 03 Pacitan has successfully implemented these integrative values within their curriculum, emphasizing respect for diversity and involving the roles of teachers and parents in the learning process. With the integration of Islamic religious education and Pancasila, the school has created an educational environment that promotes harmony and diversity in the ever-evolving digital era. This study contributes significantly to understanding how education can play a vital role in shaping tolerant and inclusive multicultural character amid globalization and digital technological advancements.</p>Ermida ErmidaIsmail Ismail
2025-02-142025-02-147125927110.37680/jcd.v7i1.6905Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Terhadap Nasabah BTPN Syariah Melalui Program Pendampingan MMS di Kecamatan Wuryantoro Kabupaten Wonogiri
<p>BTPN Syariah memberikan pembiayaan dan pendampingan bagi perempuan prasejahtera untuk mengembangkan usaha mereka. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan peran fasilitator dalam pemberdayaan nasabah dengan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Data dikumpulkan melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi, kemudian dianalisis menggunakan teknik reduksi data, penyajian data, serta penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa program pendampingan berhasil meningkatkan keterampilan, kemandirian, dan rasa percaya diri nasabah dalam mengelola usaha dan keuangan mereka. Namun, terdapat beberapa tantangan dalam implementasinya, seperti usia lanjut pada beberapa nasabah, kurangnya kepercayaan diri terhadap fasilitator baru, serta perlunya penyesuaian kriteria rekrutmen fasilitator berdasarkan latar belakang pendidikan yang relevan, seperti pemberdayaan masyarakat, sosial, ekonomi, atau kewirausahaan. Dengan peningkatan kualitas fasilitator dan strategi pendampingan yang lebih adaptif, program ini dapat lebih optimal dalam memberdayakan masyarakat sasaran.</p> <p> </p>Ika MarwantiA. Ismail LukmanNovita Surya NingsihAnif Muchlashin
2025-02-162025-02-167127328210.37680/jcd.v7i1.6930Gender As A Moderator Of The Effect Of Attitude Toward Entrepreneurship, Perceived Behavioural Control On Entrepreneurial Intention
<p>This study aims to explore the role of gender on the relationship between attitude toward entrepeneurship, perceived behavioural control and entrepreneurial intention in vocational students in Indonesia. The data were gathered from several universities, comprising 600 students. Multigroup structural equation modeling was used to estimate the moderating effect of gender on the relationship. The result found that gender had weak effect on entrepeneurial intention, when it was treated as an independent variable, mediated by attitude toward entrepenurship and perceived behavioural control. However, the result indicates a significant effect of gender when it was treated as moderator. The significant moderating effects were found in the relationship between choice intention, self-efficacy and commitment, and between instrumental attitude and nascent entrepeneurship, as well as commitment and nascent entrepeneurship.</p>Rindi Ardika Melsalasa SahputriUmmu Artha Tsary RumalessinRedi AlamsyahHendrik AliLusi Olis VeraAnjaka Ray Gucchi
2025-02-212025-02-217128329410.37680/jcd.v7i1.6955LSTM-Based PM2.5 Prediction Enhanced by Polynomial Features: Case Study in South Tangerang
<p>The significant impact of air pollution, particularly PM2.5, has driven mitigation efforts to reduce health and environmental risks through more accurate prediction systems. In this study, a Deep Learning approach using the LSTM method with the addition of Polynomial transformation features is proposed to predict PM2.5 concentrations. Historical PM2.5 data from South Tangerang City, Banten, was used to train and test the model. The results show that LSTM with polynomial features effectively captures temporal and non-linear patterns in the data, producing accurate and consistent predictions for both training and testing data compared to conventional machine learning methods such as XGBoost and SVR. Polynomial feature transformation significantly improved model performance, as evidenced by the reduction in prediction errors and increased accuracy compared to LSTM without polynomial features. The model also demonstrates adaptability to sudden fluctuations in air quality data. Although the prediction results closely align with actual values, slight discrepancies may arise due to external factors or model limitations. Therefore, the LSTM approach with polynomial feature transformation is an effective and promising method for PM2.5 prediction.</p>Wulan Kusuma Wardani
2025-02-222025-02-227129531010.37680/jcd.v7i1.6953Perancangan Sistem Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya (PLTS) Off-Grid Pada Gedung Perkuliahan
<p><em>Off-Grid</em> Solar Power Plant (PLTS) system planning at Building F of the Sumatra Institute of Technology, South Lampung Regency, Lampung Province is one of the efforts or strategies in reducing the use of conventional electrical energy from the main supplier, namely the State Electricity Company (PLN), and helping to succeed the government's efforts to increase the consumption of new and renewable energy. In PLTS system planning, the aspects that will be analyzed in this research are technical aspects with the help of PVsyst software to collect data regarding technical indicators such as performance ratios and energy production generated by <em>Off-Grid</em> PLTS. In this research, the required land area is 52 m2 from a total of 930 m2 of available land. The simulation results show that the planned rooftop solar system has a capacity of 10.8 kWp using 24 units of AE SOLAR MC144 430-450 W type solar modules, with the capacity of each module being 450 Wp. The PLTS system uses 1 inverter with the type Victron Quattro 48/15000 (15 kW) with a capacity of 15,000 W and uses a battery with the type LUNA2000-15- S0 which has a capacity of 15 kW in each unit. In this study, the solar module received solar irradiation of 4,616 kWh/m2 per day and 1,684 kWh/m2 per year. The production obtained in this study amounted to 14,475 kWh per year. The percentage of the Performance Ratio (PR) value produced by the designed OffGrid PLTS system is 73.01%.</p>Achmad Yamani FauzsanPutty YunestiWulan Kusuma WardaniFX Nugroho SoelamiKoko FriansaGuna Bangun PersadaSetiadi Wira Buana
2025-02-262025-02-267131132510.37680/jcd.v7i1.6965Studi Morfometrik dan Meristik Ikan Jebung (Abalistes stellaris) di PPN Sungailiat Kabupaten Bangka
<p>This study was conducted at PPN Sungailiat, Bangka Regency, to identify morphometric and meristic characteristics of Jebung fish (Abalistes stellaris), as well as environmentally friendly fishing gear. The research method used was descriptive with a simple random sampling technique to collect fish samples. Data were collected through observation and interviews, then analyzed using morphometric and meristic identification. The results showed that Jebung fish had 23 morphometric characters and 9 meristic characters, with an average total length of 30.5 cm and a standard length of 27 cm. Fin characteristics showed significant differences compared to other fish in the same family. In addition, the recommended fishing methods are bubu and bottom fishing to maintain the sustainability of the fish population. The conclusion of this study is that Jebung fish has distinctive morphometric and meristic characteristics, and requires an ecosystem-based management strategy to maintain its sustainability. The results of this study can serve as a basis for better fisheries resource management policies in the Bangka region.</p>Monischa Br SebayangNi Luh Eta YuspitaValentin Vina RatnapuriMisri YandiAli Rizki MaulanaWahid HasyimiDewi Tumatul Ainin
2025-02-262025-02-267132733710.37680/jcd.v7i1.6968Penurunan Stunting Berbasis Komunitas Studi Kasus Percontohan Kalurahan Sidoluhur Kabupaten Sleman
<p>Stunting merupakan permasalahan kesehatan yang berdampak pada kualitas sumber daya manusia di Indonesia. Berdasarkan Survei Kesehatan Indonesia (SKI) 2023, angka prevalensi stunting secara nasional mengalami kenaikan dari 16,4% (2022) menjadi 18% (2023), sementara Kabupaten Sleman berhasil menurunkan prevalensi dari 15% menjadi 12,4%. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus untuk menganalisis strategi percepatan penurunan stunting berbasis komunitas di Kalurahan Sidoluhur, Sleman. Informan penelitian ditetapkan secara <em>purposive</em>, melibatkan pemerintah daerah, tenaga kesehatan, kader posyandu, serta keluarga berisiko stunting. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara mendalam, observasi, dan dokumentasi, kemudian dianalisis menggunakan teknik analisis tematik untuk mengidentifikasi pola dan strategi efektif dalam penanganan stunting di tingkat komunitas. Studi ini menyoroti pendekatan berbasis komunitas dalam percepatan penurunan stunting di Kalurahan Sidoluhur, Sleman. Upaya yang dilakukan melibatkan intervensi spesifik dan sensitif melalui pemantauan 1000 Hari Pertama Kehidupan (HPK), pendampingan keluarga berisiko stunting, serta sinergi lintas sektoral antara pemerintah, tenaga kesehatan, dan masyarakat. Identifikasi faktor penyebab stunting di tingkat lokal memungkinkan penyusunan program berbasis bukti yang lebih efektif. Dengan optimalisasi anggaran dana kalurahan dan pendekatan berbasis komunitas, diharapkan tercipta solusi berkelanjutan untuk mencapai target penurunan prevalensi stunting menuju "Jogja Bebas Stunting" melalui strategi yang tepat sasaran</p>Anif Muchlashin
2025-02-262025-02-267133935110.37680/jcd.v7i1.6935Rekonseptualisasi Kesejahteraan Anak dalam Konteks Kebijakan Sosial: Antara Pendekatan Kesejahteraan, Hak Anak, dan Partisipasi
<p>The approach to child welfare has shifted from an assistance-based model to a rights-based approach and active participation in social policy. This study aims to analyze the ideal child welfare model that integrates the fulfillment of basic rights, legal and social protection, and children's participation in public policy. The research method used is a literature study that analyzes various academic literature, national and international policies, and reports of global organizations such as UNICEF and WHO in the period 2020-2024. The results showed that countries that implemented a child rights-based welfare model experienced significant improvements in access to education, health, and children's participation in policies. However, in Indonesia, challenges remain, such as the stunting rate, which still reached 21.6% in 2022, and the low participation rate of children in social policies, which was only 30% in 2023. The conclusion of this study confirms that the implementation of a more inclusive and sustainable child welfare model requires strengthening rights-based policies, increasing the role of society in child protection, and utilizing technology to increase children's participation in social policies.</p>Heru Dwi Herbowo