QALAMUNA: Jurnal Pendidikan, Sosial, dan Agama <p align="justify"><a href="">Qalamuna -&nbsp;Jurnal Pendidikan, Sosial, dan Agama</a>&nbsp;<a href=";1180426069&amp;1&amp;&amp;">(P-ISSN 1907-6355</a>|<a href=";1554455395&amp;1&amp;&amp;">E-ISSN 2656-9779)</a><strong><a href=";1554455395&amp;1&amp;&amp;">,</a>&nbsp;</strong>published twice a year (in May and November) by Lembaga Penerbitan dan Publikasi Ilmiah <a href="">Program Pascasarjana IAI Sunan Giri Ponorogo,</a>&nbsp;is a multi-disciplinary scientific journal as a dialogue medium of education, social and religion issues.&nbsp;<a href="">Qalamuna</a><strong>&nbsp;</strong>is accredited by&nbsp;National Journal Accreditation <a href="">(ARJUNA)</a> managed by the Ministry of Research &amp; Technology/National Research &amp; Innovation Board, Republic Indonesia with 3rd Grade (Sinta 3) according to the decree&nbsp;No.&nbsp;148/M/KPT/2020 dated August 3, 2020.</p> Lembaga Penerbitan dan Publikasi Ilmiah Program Pascasarjana IAI Sunan Giri Ponorogo en-US QALAMUNA: Jurnal Pendidikan, Sosial, dan Agama 1907-6355 <p>Authors who submit manuscript retain its copyright and grant publisher right of first publication licensed under a <a href="" rel="license">Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License</a> (CC BY-SA 4.0) that allows others to access (search, read, download, and cite), share (copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format) and adapt (remix, transform, and build upon any material) the work for any lawful purpose, even commercially with an acknowledgement of the work's authorship and initial publication in <em><strong>Qalamuna: Jurnal Pendidikan, Sosial, dan Agama</strong></em>.</p> Strengthening the Disciplinary Character Education of Santri through Discipline Development in Islamic Boarding Schools <p>Strengthening disciplinary character education through disciplinary development is an inseparable part of Islamic boarding schools. As traditional Islamic educational institutions, Islamic boarding schools have broader goals than simply transmitting religious knowledge. One of the main goals of Islamic boarding schools is to form an Islamic character in students. Discipline is a means of creating attitudes and behaviors that are contrary to the teachings of the Islamic religion, including obedience, patience, and responsibility. This research aims to find and explain discipline development activities in strengthening character education in Islamic boarding schools. The research method used was descriptive qualitative with a field focus at the Al-Istiqamah Ngatabaru Modern Islamic Boarding School, Central Sulawesi. Data collection methods are carried out through interviews, observation, and documentation. The data analysis method uses data reduction techniques, presentation, verification, and conclusions. The research found that strengthening disciplinary character education and developing disciplinary character were two important activities at the Al-Istiqamah Ngatabaru Modern Islamic Boarding School, South Sulawesi. Through these two activities, the disciplined character of students can be realized to support various religious activities in Islamic boarding schools. From this disciplined character in participating in religious activities, students become individuals who master a lot of religious knowledge and always behave well in everyday life.</p> Andi Anirah Naima Naima Retoliah Retoliah Nursyam Nursyam Erniati Erniati ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-01-09 2024-01-09 16 1 1 8 10.37680/qalamuna.v16i1.4041 The Leadership Values of Sorogan Method as the Platform Salaf Islamic Boarding School in Roudlotul Fatihah <p>Learning in pesantren that lasts twenty-four hours indicates that every activity is education for students. Various characteristics such as religiosity, entrepreneurship, and leadership can be formed through existing activities, especially <em>sorogan</em>. The purpose of this study is to describe the application of hidden curriculum pesantren in instilling leadership values in Roudlotul Fatihah Traditional Islamic Boarding School through learning activities in the form of <em>sorogan</em>. This is because research on leadership through hidden curriculum is rarely revealed, in contrast to research on religiosity and entrepreneurship in the pesantren environment. In addition, this research can contribute to the current leadership crisis phenomenon. The author uses qualitative methods in processing data from field research using a phenomenological approach. The process of concluding the previous steps is data condensation and data presentation. The findings of applying hidden curriculum in the Raoudlotul Fatihah Traditional Islamic Boarding School in sorogan activities include the Quran, tools in the form of <em>nahwu</em> and <em>shorof</em>, and books of worship. Activities in pesantren have instilled leadership values in delegation, responsibility, truthfulness, accuracy, and initiation. The end of the study concluded that the hidden curriculum of pesantren has formed students to have leader values without realizing it with all the activities that have been carried out.</p> Wahid Fathoni Arif Budi Raharjo ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-02-03 2024-02-03 16 1 9 20 10.37680/qalamuna.v16i1.3195 The Effectiveness of Group Counseling Using Self-Counseling Techniques to Increase Students' Learning Motivation <p>Lack of motivation to learn influences the decline in student academic achievement and exam results, as experienced by class XII students at MAN 1 Deli Serdang, North Sumatra. This research aims to determine the effectiveness of group counseling services using the Counseling Self technique in increasing students' learning motivation. This is a type of quasi-experimental research with an unequal control group research design. The sample was determined using a purposive sampling technique, with respondents totaling 68 students in class XII MAN I Deli Serdang, North Sumatra. The results show that after being given treatment, namely group counseling services using the Self Counseling technique, in the experimental group, there was a significant increase in students' learning motivation. This can be proven by research results and the increase in students' academic results. From the results of research using self-counseling techniques where the higher the social support to increase students' learning motivation, it is hoped that BK teachers can provide guidance and counseling services using the self-counseling method to create and increase good learning motivation.</p> Niswatul Baroroh Eva Imania ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-02-03 2024-02-03 16 1 21 30 10.37680/qalamuna.v16i1.4278 Development of a Learning Tool using the Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC) Model Based on Thunkable <p>This study aims to develop a Thunkable-based cooperative, integrated reading and composition (CIRC) model for mathematics instructional development in Unimed's PGSD program. Classroom observations revealed that current teaching practices inadequately engage students in fostering reading interest and substantive discussions for mathematical understanding. The study seeks to enhance pedagogical practices by integrating reading diversification through a Thunkable-based instructional framework. The research's overarching objective is to craft a CIRC-guided learning apparatus, utilizing Thunkable for the mathematics instructional development course in Unimed's PGSD program. Following Sugiyono's four-D model, the study employs a Research and Development approach encompassing the Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate stages. Anticipated outcomes include obligatory deliverables like a comprehensive report, indexed proceedings publication, research proposal copyright, and publication in an accredited national journal. Supplementary outputs comprise an ISBN-endowed book, potential copyright or patent, and international journal publication. This research advances mathematics pedagogy within Unimed's PGSD program by integrating cooperative learning and technology-enhanced reading practices via Thunkable. Such an approach aligns with the progressive paradigm of educational development, fostering a conducive environment for comprehensive learning experiences and meaningful academic discourse.</p> Elvi Mailani Daitin Tarigan Andri Kristanto Sitanggang ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-02-03 2024-02-03 16 1 31 48 10.37680/qalamuna.v16i1.3512 Reaffirmation of Student Religiosity through Religion Teacher Strategies: An Exploratory Study in the Era of Globalization <p>This study aims to reveal the strategy of religious teachers in strengthening students' religiosity in the era of globalization. To answer this research problem, a qualitative approach is used with the type of literature study. Data collection is done by finding sources and constructing from various sources such as journals and research that has been done. At a later stage, data processing and/ or quoting references are carried out to be displayed as research findings, abstracted to obtain complete information, and interpreted to produce knowledge to conclude. The results of this study show the fragility of the religiosity of students in the era of globalization, the factors that cause the fragility of the religiosity of students in the era of globalization, the solution strategy of religious teachers to strengthen the religiosity of students in the era of globalization, and the constancy of the religiosity of students in the era of globalization by making religious teachers as driving teachers.</p> Husniyatus Salamah Zainiyati Suryani Suryani Abdul Rahim Karim ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-02-22 2024-02-22 16 1 49 64 10.37680/qalamuna.v16i1.3204 Literature Review of The Development of a Green Campus Teaching Factory-Based Learning Model in Vocational Schools in Indonesia <p>This research is a literature review of the development of teaching and learning models in factories developed to create an education system capable of producing industry standard products or services. The literature review method is used in this article with references adapted to the research results. The discussion presented includes an analysis of vocational education about the basic philosophy of vocational education and the characteristics of vocational education, as well as models of administering vocational education. Furthermore, the development of the teaching factory learning model which includes Project-Based Learning (PBL) and Work-Based Learning (WBL) understands the context of its development. A study of the green campus-based teaching factory approach is then reported to determine the factors that influence it. In the final section, potential research and development related to the development of a teaching factory is presented to outline potential studies.</p> Ida Nugroho Saputro ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-02-22 2024-02-22 16 1 65 76 10.37680/qalamuna.v16i1.3438 Development of a Traditional Game Module to Improve Children's Self-Control Character Skills <p>This research intends to guide teachers in developing self-control in children aged 9-12 through traditional games. The research method used was Research and Development (R&amp;D) with the ADDIE framework (Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, and Evaluate) involving six teachers, seven module validators, and six children. The research findings are as follows: The module received a "very good" rating with a score of 3.40 from one lecturer and five teachers. The surface and content validity tests received a "very good" rating of 3.50 and 3.55, respectively. 3) The application of the module has a positive effect on the self-control of children aged 9-12 years, with a high level of effectiveness of 88.70%. The research results showed that after using the module, the average posttest score (M = 0.9217) was higher than the pretest score (M = 0.6650). This difference is significant, with a value of tt(5) = 4.122, p = 0.009 (p &lt;0.05). This module also has quite a big influence, with an effect size (r) of 0.88 or the equivalent of around 77.26%. In other words, the module has a fairly large role, contributing 77.26% to increasing self-control. The effectiveness of implementing the module is further proven by the N-gain score of 88.7073%, which shows a high level of effectiveness. Thus, this research provides a strong empirical basis for developing better educational programs, especially in improving self-control in children aged 9-12 through a traditional game approach.</p> Ester Liswantiani Setiawan Edi Wibowo Gregorius Ari Nugrahanta ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-02-22 2024-02-22 16 1 77 90 10.37680/qalamuna.v16i1.4350 Understanding the Role of Generative Pre-Trained Transformer (GPT) in Improving Learning Quality and Practices <p>Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPTs) are an artificial intelligence model gaining popularity in educational technology development. GPTs are models that are massively trained on diverse texts and can generate texts with structure and meaning. The utilization of GPT in education offers great potential to improve the quality of learning, both inside and outside the classroom. This study aims to understand the role of GPT in improving the quality and practice of learning. This research uses a qualitative research method with a case study method. Data collection techniques in this research include literature study, interviews, and observation. Thematic analysis will be used as the main data analysis technique. The results show that GPT has the potential to be a supportive and interactive tool to increase student motivation in the learning process. The participants perceived GPT as a convenient and efficient means to access information, complete assignments, and receive personalized content tailored to their interests and learning styles.</p> Fahry Rizaldy Putra Dyah Setyowati Ciptaningrum ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-02-22 2024-02-22 16 1 91 100 10.37680/qalamuna.v16i1.3248 Optimizing Adolescent Psychological Well-Being through an Environmental Ecological Approach <p>Psychological well-being is a general term used to describe an individual's mental health concerning the fulfillment of positive indicators of psychological functioning. Psychological well-being can be characterized as an indicator of good mental functioning and the drive to explore the potential of the individual as a whole to achieve success. This writing aims to explain the practice of counseling psychological well-being for adolescents using the benefits of environmental ecology introduced by Uri Bronfenbrenner, a psychologist from Cornell University, United States. Ecological theory views that the environmental context influences human development. The research method uses descriptive qualitative research methods. The researcher explains the activities, starting from preparation, implementation, and evaluation. The research results show that adolescent mental health assistance through an ecological approach goes very well. Great environmental ecology influences adolescents' psychological well-being.</p> Murdianto Murdianto Samsudin Samsudin Ahmad Kirom Nanik Setyowati Suci Midsyahri Azizah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-02-29 2024-02-29 16 1 101 112 10.37680/qalamuna.v16i1.4531 The Urgency of Environmental Education in Kurikulum Merdeka: A Geophilosophical Approach <p>Environmental Education (EE) is currently receiving broad attention in formulating and implementing fostering students' character to be more environmentally conscious. This issue is also entangled with the global commitment to create a sustainable society. Indonesia experienced a curriculum transition from the K13 to Merdeka curricula; thus, integrating environmental problems into the new curricula is important. In general, the implementation of EE in schools can be divided into two approaches: integrating it into a specific syllabus and incorporating it into extracurricular or ceremonial school activities. Several obstacles have been identified during the implementation of EE, especially at the high school level and its equivalents, including EE being perceived as a burden on students' study time, a lack of coordination among relevant institutions, insufficient funding, and ineffective EE program formats. These findings are based on focus group discussions (FGDs) conducted in-depth interviews with <em>Adiwiyata</em> High School students to determine the implementation of PLH in schools and supporting literature reviews. To address these obstacles, this research adopts a geophilosophical perspective as a novel approach to support education and curricula that promote sustainable environmental awareness, both in affective and practical-contextual actions, by considering the importance of geographical agency in teaching and learning. Consequently, it was discovered that the geophilosophical approach could serve as an alternative model for curriculum development that is more flexible to strengthen <em>Kurikulum Merdeka</em>.</p> Rangga Kala Mahaswa Gloria Bayu Nusa Prayuda Luthfi Baihaqi Riziq ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-04 2024-03-04 16 1 113 124 10.37680/qalamuna.v16i1.3901 Improving the Quality of Education Management, Education Personnel, and Educators in Social Studies Subjects <p>This study examines the improvement of the quality of education management, education personnel, and social studies subject educators. The study focuses on improving the quality of education management, educators, and education personnel, specifically in social studies subjects. The method used in this research is Library Research. The research stages include 1) Data collection, which is carried out by collecting written data from books, journals, and articles relevant to the model being analyzed, and 2) Data analysis, namely content analysis, where data obtained from literary reading materials is analyzed in depth. The result of this research is that improving the quality of Management is needed to improve the quality of educators in social studies subjects and education staff so that implementing activities in an educational institution runs optimally, effectively, and efficiently. Compared to the preceding years, the Management of educators and education workers at the school or institution that was visited has started showing signs of improvement in their overall performance. The use of certification and the supply of benefits as a mechanism to increase educator welfare is beginning to function even though there are still specific inadequacies in the system.</p> Syafruddin Rais Iswan Riyadi Tukiyo Tukiyo Ahmad Sodikin ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-04 2024-03-04 16 1 125 136 10.37680/qalamuna.v16i1.4045 The Role of Islamic Religious Education Teachers in Advocating for Muslim Minority Students in Denpasar, Bali <p>The role of the teacher as an educator is not only to&nbsp;<em>transfer knowledge</em>&nbsp;to the perpetrators of Islamic education in Denpasar, Bali. They also need to strengthen religion in the aspect of Aqeedah. Because the weakness in practicing and familiarizing with religious practices is considerably less, this study aims to explain how PAI teachers do PAI services in the school setting of Denpasar State Senior High School / Vocational School. This research took four schools as the objects of research. Therefore, this research results from the implication that the teachers are doing service defensively. They give enriching, strengthening, and practicing Aqeedah knowledge to the students (male or female) in Denpasar State High School/Vocational School, Bali. In the presence of strengthening, besides maintaining quantity volume, the quality volume also delivers good impacts when someone has already graduated from an education unit.</p> Nur Millah Muthohharoh Alaika M. Bagus Kurnia PS Andini Riswanda Putri Ari Fika Mubaddilah Muhamad Basyrul Muvid ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-04 2024-03-04 16 1 137 148 10.37680/qalamuna.v16i1.4113 Utilization of Classroom Reading Corners to Succeed the School Literacy Movement at Malang City, Indonesia <p>Literacy at the elementary school level plays a crucial role in building language skills, understanding texts, and critical thinking. Class reading corners are an effective means of increasing student literacy. This research explains student literacy problems and the use of classroom reading corners to make the School Literacy Movement or Gerakan Literasi Sekolah (GLS) at SDN Lesanpuro 2 Malang City a success. The research approach uses descriptive qualitative with a case study type. The subjects in this research were teaching staff and students in grades IV–VI for the 2022/2023 academic year. Observation, interviews, and documentation were carried out in data collection. The research results show that teachers are important in utilizing the classroom reading corner. Utilizing a classroom reading corner is very effective in making the school literacy movement successful if the arrangement is interesting, the activities are varied, and the circulation of reading materials is carried out continuously. Literacy-based learning using the reading corner at SDN Lesanpuro 2 Malang City is carried out through several processes, namely (1) Planning, (2) Exploration, (3) Fairy Tale Show or Reading Together, (4) Book Discussion, (5) Literacy Competition. Continuous use of classroom reading corners can strengthen literacy culture in schools. This is reflected through an increase in the number of students actively visiting the reading corner and an increase in student academic achievement.</p> Sumarni Sumarni Luluk Sri Agus Praseyoningsih Khurshed Iqbal ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-17 2024-03-17 16 1 149 160 10.37680/qalamuna.v16i1.4614 Enhancing Fourth-Grade Elementary Students' English Vocabulary through Listening with Received Pronunciation (LWRP) <p>This research aimed to investigate the effectiveness of utilizing Listening with Received Pronunciation (LWRP) in improving the English vocabulary of elementary school pupils. A total of sixty-one fourth-grade students actively participated in the study, undergoing both pre-and post-tests to evaluate the impact of the intervention on their vocabulary skills. The results of the study revealed a notable enhancement in the vocabulary proficiency of students who received instruction through LWRP, as evidenced by their post-test scores surpassing those of their peers who did not receive the same intervention. On average, the LWRP group demonstrated higher levels of vocabulary understanding compared to their counterparts. In conclusion, the findings suggest that incorporating Listening with Received Pronunciation into the instruction of elementary school pupils can be an effective and productive approach to fostering proficiency in English vocabulary acquisition at a young age. This research underscores the importance of innovative teaching methods, such as LWRP, in enhancing language learning outcomes for elementary school students.</p> Suhartawan Budianto Nuril Huda Nur Sayidah Sucipto Sucipto ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-17 2024-03-17 16 1 161 172 10.37680/qalamuna.v16i1.4717 Individual Development in Increasing Teacher Professionalism at SMA Negeri 1 Cirebon City <p>This research aims to determine the picture of teacher professionalism at SMA Negeri 1 Cirebon City. Teacher professionalism requires individual development and organizational development. One of the individual developments is carrying out professional teacher education and training. This improvement requires teacher expertise in educating and teaching students with various approaches and learning models. The research used quantitative descriptive analysis methods on 16 teachers as respondents at SMA Negeri 1 Cirebon City and interviews to ensure the validity of the instrument answers distributed through the survey. Data collection techniques were carried out using observation and survey instruments. The results of the research show that the development of teacher professionalism has four aspects, namely: the development of teacher professionalism for 16 teachers at SMA Negeri 1 Cirebon City has four aspects, namely: (1) expertise, including (a) mastery of the material ( 37.5% ) ( b) class mastery (31.255%), and (c) pedagogical mastery (31.25%), (2) sources of income, including: (a) meeting basic family needs (62%), (b) being able to share with others (25%), and (c) not lacking financially (12.5%), (3) improving quality, including: (a) increasing student achievement (50%), (b) increasing school achievement (31.25% ), and (c) increasing personal achievement (18.75%), and (4) code of ethics, including (a) maintaining integrity (100%), (b) honesty (100%), (c) discipline (100 %), and (d) responsible (100%). Teacher professionalism development must be carried out periodically and continuously.</p> Suklani Suklani Imam Sibaweh ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-04-08 2024-04-08 16 1 173 182 10.37680/qalamuna.v16i1.3695 Development of Basic Mathematics Modules Based on Professional Competencies <p>The low ability to understand mathematical concepts affects the learning outcomes of information systems study program students in basic mathematics courses. This is because basic mathematics courses tend to be disliked by the YPTK information systems study program students at Putra Indonesia University in Padang. After all, they consider basic mathematics courses do not significantly contribute to their field of expertise. Students prefer courses that suit their area of ​​expertise. Basic mathematics is an abstract subject and is a difficult subject. Students have difficulty applying mathematical concepts to solve problems. The learning module is a basic mathematics module based on professional competence. This basic mathematics module connects basic mathematics subject matter with subject matter in the field of expertise, namely information systems. This research aims to produce a basic mathematics module based on professional competence in the information systems study program at Putra Indonesia University YPTK Padang. This type of research is development research(R&amp;D). The stages in developing this basic mathematics module are the development stages proposed by Plomp. This research carried out a preliminary research stage. Experts carry out product validation. Our instrument is a validation sheet with a Likert scale. The results of the expert validation analysis from aspects of presentation/dictates, suitability of content, language, and graphics obtained an average of 3.39 with a very valid category, which means that the basic mathematics module based on professional competence is suitable for use in basic subjects. Mathematics learning.</p> Syelfia Dewimarni Rizalina Rizalina Deby Erdriani ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-04-08 2024-04-08 16 1 183 192 10.37680/qalamuna.v16i1.4532 Utilizing Stylistics for Advanced English Teaching: Linkages to Literature and Advertising <p>This research is important in analyzing and describing language styles, which have become one of the linguistics categories. The use of language and language style in literary works has also been studied and is very important for linguistic and literary studies. This article illustrates that stylistic analysis is an effective method to help students improve their reading and appreciation skills. It begins by briefly reviewing how stylistics is applied to teaching English by researchers. It then discusses stylistic analysis and how to do it by providing some examples. Finally, it concludes that teaching advanced English should incorporate stylistics, which are both necessary and practical. Stylistics is one of the sub-topics of learning English in high schools. It can also help students understand advertising language. It also helps students learn foreign languages in English language teaching, such as Indonesian, by preparing them to learn and use foreign languages effectively. Furthermore, Students are expected to be able to understand the language of advertising. To understand the language of advertising, teachers must provide understanding to students through stylistics.</p> Rugaiyah Rugaiyah Miranti Eka Putri Andi Idayani Muhammad Ilyas ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-04-08 2024-04-08 16 1 193 206 10.37680/qalamuna.v16i1.4743 The Role of Innovative Leadership in Driving Educational Management Transformation <p>Through an in-depth literature review, this literature study aims to analyze the role of innovative leadership in supporting educational management transformation. This research is qualitative research that uses a literature study approach. The main data sources are scientific literature, books, journal articles, and academic documents related to the role of innovative leadership in transforming educational management. Library studies collect data through searches for relevant literature using academic databases, digital libraries, and trusted sources. Data analysis in this study involved the synthesis and interpretation of relevant literature. The researcher identified major themes, key concepts, and significant findings from the literature. The analysis process includes compiling data, grouping information, and interpreting the meaning of the literature accessed. The research results state that innovative leadership plays a vital role in shaping and directing the transformation of educational management amidst the dynamics of development and change in the contemporary era. Innovative leadership has a very important role in driving the transformation of educational management. By creating a culture of innovation, developing adaptive management strategies, taking measured risks, motivating those around them, and managing change wisely, innovative leaders shape the future of education that is more dynamic, inclusive, and relevant.</p> Halimah Halimah Syafruddin Syafruddin Novi Indah Earlyanti ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-04-08 2024-04-08 16 1 207 218 10.37680/qalamuna.v16i1.4745 Internal Quality Management Model in Islamic Boarding School-Based Madrasah <p>This research aims to (1) analyze the need for an internal quality management model and (2) design an internal quality management model in Islamic boarding school-based madrasas. This research uses the Research and Development (R&amp;D) method using ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Develop, Implement, Evaluate) procedures and steps. The research results show that the Pesantren-Based Madrasah Quality Assurance Team must receive full support from the Islamic boarding school leadership. The Ministry of Religion's version of the Madrasah Self-Evaluation Instrument (EDM) must be developed to accommodate educational evaluations in Islamic boarding schools. Islamic boarding school-based madrasa's internal quality management model consists of four stages. First, the planning stage which consists of (1) mission alignment, (2) SWOT analysis, (3) EDM gap analysis, and (4) preparation of a quality plan. Second, the quality fulfillment stage consists of (1) determining the person responsible for the program, (2) funding allocation, and (3) reporting on quality implementation. Third, the quality evaluation stage consists of (1) formative evaluation, (2) summative evaluation, (3) preparation of evaluation instruments, (4) data collection, and (5) analysis and preparation of recommendations. Fourth is the quality follow-up stage, which consists of (1) follow-up improvement and (2) follow-up standardization of changes.</p> Muhammad Frandani Abas Mansur Tamam Ahmad Ahmad ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-04-08 2024-04-08 16 1 219 240 10.37680/qalamuna.v16i1.4760