Analisis Framing Pemberitaan Menteri Agama Di Detik.Com Dan Tribunnews Tentang Analogi Kebisingan Azan Dengan Suara Anjing

  • Wahyu Nurazwan Setiyadi Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ponorogo
  • Asna Istya Istya Marwantika Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ponorogo
Keywords: Framing;; Tribunnews; Minister of Religious Affairs Statement.


The statement of the Minister of Religious Affairs, Yaqut Cholil Qoumas in February 2022 about the analogy of the sound of azan with the sound of dogs also triggered polemics in Indonesian society. The minister's statement was also amplified by online media and became a topic of public conversation on social media in the range of February 22-26, 2022. This study aims to analyze the reporting of the Minister of Religious Affairs' statements in online media and The method used is a qualitative method with a news text analysis approach using the framing analysis of Zhondang Pan and Gerald M. Kosicki. The result of the study was that and Republika Tribunnews used different aspects of framing the news. frames the news by focusing on things that are considered more attractive to readers. Tribunnews framed the news by deepening the discussion of the case by presenting more diverse sources ranging from the pros to the cons with the Minister. The framing comparison between the two is highlight the opinions of sources who have a better chance of attracting readers or in other words tend to focus more on what is viral. Meanwhile, Tribunnews prefers a coherent news construction and not only focuses on viral statements but discusses in more detail from various parties both pro and contra with the statement of Minister of Religious Affairs Yaqut Cholil Qoumas.

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