Peta Dinamika Dakwah dalam Mobilitas Muslim Indonesia di Abad ke-20
This paper explores how Indonesian Muslim experience mobility in their life, particularly in Islamic da’wa aspect. Departs of theories of social mobility, this paper maps where, why, and how they manage that mobility, horizontally in geographical position or vertically in social identity. Among the earlier generation, in which Indonesia was under Dutch colonial government, that mobility was undoubtedly related to the existing colonialization influence. Mostly in this period, the mobility’s are in education, religion, economy, and military background. While in the later generation, post-1945, the mobility of Indonesia Muslim is going wider and higher. Though the background of their mobility is still not far from education, religion, and economy field, the reasons why do they mobile are more various. Nevertheless, both in “old” and “new” era, the mobility of Indonesian Muslim made a significant impact on spreading the teaching of Islam (da’wa) to where they migrated.
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