Peran Guru Sebagai Fasilitator Dalam Meningkatkan Literasi Digital Pada Pelajaran TIK di Mts Darul Huda Mayak

  • Shinta Aulia Al Hawa IAIN PONOROGO
Keywords: Teacher, Facilitator, and Digital Literacy


In the 21st century or better known as the digital era, increasingly rapid technological developments have an impact on the development of the world of education. This also cannot be separated from the challenges teachers face in the digital era which is increasingly complex and difficult and it is very important for students to form a digital literacy culture to prepare them to face the challenges that will come. The purpose of this article is to determine the role of teachers as facilitators in increasing digital literacy in the ICT learning process. The research carried out was descriptive qualitative research. Data collection techniques through interviews. The use of ICT in learning media is expected to have a big contribution and innovation to the world of education. It is hoped that the existence of ICT can make it easier for teachers to improve their teaching abilities in the classroom. Teachers at MTs Darul Huda can carry out the learning process using Information and Communication Technology-based learning media. Teachers play a very big role in the continuity of ICT-based learning. The teacher's role is also supported by the existence of supporting facilities and infrastructure by increasing ICT-based learning media in schools.

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