The Communicative Unveiling: Bridging Reputation and Reality through Dialogue in Islamic Campus Accreditation


Hasan Sazali
Hasnun Jauhari Ritonga
Abdul Rahman Matondang


This study investigates organizational communication's role in achieving superior accreditation at the State Islamic University of North Sumatra (UIN-SU). The research method used is mixed, with a survey-based quantitative approach using questionnaires to collect data from UIN-SU students, lecturers, and teaching staff and a qualitative approach through interviews with universities that have achieved superior accreditation. Data were analyzed using statistical analysis techniques and path analysis with moderating variables. The results showed that UIN-SU achieved a "B" (Superior) accreditation rating, which reflects a commitment to improving the quality of higher education services. The effectiveness of internal communication and the quality of external communication played a crucial role in achieving this feat. However, the participation of academic community members in decision-making did not have a significant impact, indicating the need to increase their participation and role in the accreditation process. In order to achieve higher accreditation in the future, UIN-SU needs to focus on improving organizational communication, supportive organizational policies and culture, and allocating adequate resources to support accreditation efforts and improve the quality of higher education.



How to Cite
Sazali, H., Ritonga, H., & Matondang, A. (2023). The Communicative Unveiling: Bridging Reputation and Reality through Dialogue in Islamic Campus Accreditation. MUHARRIK: Jurnal Dakwah Dan Sosial, 6(1), 241-254.


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