About the Journal
This journal is published by the Sharia Faculty of INSURI Ponorogo twice a year (June and December) with E-ISSN 2686-4819 and P-ISSN 2686-1607. The presence of the Al-Manhaj journal accommodates scientific writings from the academic community, researchers, students, and practices in Islamic law and law that have good values and high rationality. The scope of the discussion includes legal science, civil law, criminal law, constitutional law, business law, state administrative law, family law, Islamic politics, muamalah, and Islamic social institutions. This journal has nationally accredited journal Nasional (ARJUNA) system managed by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) the Republic of Indonesia, ranked as Sinta 4 based on SK. No. 0385/E5.3/KI.02.00/2022.