Dakwah Sebagai Konsep Perubahan Sosial

Da'wah As A Concept Of Social Change

  • Nur Ariyani Pratama Putri IAIN Ponorogo
  • Nur Ika Khoirunnisa IAIN Ponorogo
Keywords: Dakwah, Perubahan Sosial, Dampak Perubahan


This paper discusses da'wah as a concept of social change. This paper also discusses several explanations including the understanding of social change, the factors causing social change, the impact of social change, da'wah as the core of social change studies. Social change in general is a change in the relationship of interaction between individuals, organizations or communities related to social structures or patterns of values and norms. Thus the change in question is a "socio-cultural" change, because indeed humans are social creatures that are inseparable from culture. The method in this research is qualitative discriptive with a literature study approach. Social change occurs due to changes in the elements that maintain the balance of society, such as changes in geographical, biological, economic, and cultural elements. Therefore, social change will always occur in every part of society itself. The results to be obtained with knowledge from this paper are expected to help understand more deeply about da'wah as social change, factors causing social change, the impact of social change, da'wah as the core of social change studies and others.


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How to Cite
Pratama Putri, N. A., & Khoirunnisa, N. (2023). Dakwah Sebagai Konsep Perubahan Sosial. Journal of Community Development and Disaster Management, 5(1), 17-27. https://doi.org/10.37680/jcd.v5i1.2849
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