Pembelajaran PAI dengan Menggunakan Media Google Classroom pada Masa Pandemi di Sekolah Menengah Atas


Romadlon Habibullah
Fahrurozi Fahrurozi
Rahayu Lestari Putri


This study describes PAI learning through Google Classroom media during the Covid-19 pandemic at SMAN 4 Bojonegoro. This research is descriptive and qualitative. The population and sample are students of class X SMAN 4 Bojonegoro. Research data was obtained through interviews, observation, and documentation. The results showed that the implementation of PAI learning in class X SMAN 4 Bojonegoro during the pandemic season was by using Google Classroom media. The steps taken include; planning, implementation, organization, and evaluation of learning. The supporting factors for learning are; Google Classroom is learning media workshops for teachers and students, a strong network and internet, students having smartphones, and enthusiastic parents. While the inhibiting factors for learning are; the existence of a wrong internet network due to natural conditions, resulting in students' concentration being easily disturbed, and the application of blended learning being less than optimal.


How to Cite
Habibullah, R., Fahrurozi, F., & Putri, R. (2022). Pembelajaran PAI dengan Menggunakan Media Google Classroom pada Masa Pandemi di Sekolah Menengah Atas. Scaffolding: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Dan Multikulturalisme, 4(2), 292-303.