Pendidikan Karakter Berbasis Local Wisdom (studi kasus di TK Islam PAS Munqidzatun Nasyi’ah Desa Wilangan Kecamatan Sambit Kabupaten Ponorogo)
Developing powerful communications technology has created unlimited free communication. The negative impact of this phenomenon is when a culture that is not good from the outside is swallowed out by children who are still young. As a result, it will easily experience cultural dislocation. One of the legacies of local wisdom that are not interested in the midst of the community is the Javanese dolanan song. Therefore all efforts must be sought from the very beginning. These efforts can be done through various ways, including habituation of children to play and sing songs (songs) dolanan Javanese, which actually contains a lot of character values.
This study included a descriptive study, a case study at PAS Munqidzatun Nasyi'ah Wilangan Islamic Kindergarten. This study aims to describe; 1. Describe the form of character education in PAS Munqidzatun Nasyi'ah Wilangan Islamic Kindergarten. 2. Describe the strategy for implementing character education in PAS Munqidzatun Nasyi'ah Wilangan Islamic Kindergarten. 3. Describe the results of character education in PAS Munqidzatun Nasyi'ah Wilangan Islamic Kindergarten. This research includes field research using a qualitative approach. In collecting data, the author uses the method of interviews, observation, and documentation as a data collection technique. The technique chosen in data analysis is data reduction, data display and conclusions or verification.
From this study it can be seen that: 1. the form of character education in PAS Islamic Kindergarten Munqidzatun Nasyi'ah Wilangan is a local widom-based character education (local wisdom) in the form of Javanese dolanan songs. There are three dolanan songs used for character planting, namely Sluku-sluku Bathok, gundul-gundul Pachol and Menthok-menthok. 2. The strategy for the implementation of character education in PAS Islamic Kindergarten Munqidzatun Nasyi'ah Wilangan is to use reflective methods. This can be proven by giving an explanation of moral values to students, after the song is finished the song is sung both in class before the core lesson begins or while playing outside the classroom. 3. The results of character education at PAS Islam Munqidzatun Nasyi'ah Wilangan Kindergarten have fulfilled the values of the basic characters, namely: a. Respectful and polite character through greeting each other and shaking hands. b. This character of independence and responsibility can be seen from throwing garbage in its place.
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