• M Syahar Ma’arif
Keywords: Istighfar; Getting used


In addition to the Qur'anic verses explaining the importance of istighfar, many hadith also suggested it. There is even hadith of Ibn Majah explaining that for anyone who is accustomed to istighfar, he will be gifted by Allah as God will make every sorrow a relief, and from every difficulty a way out, and give him a sustenance through unexpected ways. From this research found: (1) Ibn Majah's hadith is dhaif (weak). It is based on the assessment of the critics of the hadith which says that al-Hakam ibn Mus'ab is majhul (unknown); however (2) Ibn Majah's matn al-hadith (essence) is acceptable. It is proven when the hadith is studied in wider detail, it is also in accordance with the Qur'an. Not contrary and even in line with what is in it. As well as other hadiths, many hadiths that encouraged every Muslim to celebrate istighfar, and this was exemplified by the Messenger of Allah in his daily life. Of course, there are many verses that explain the wisdom He has revealed to those who practice istighfar, such as the reception of grace, the removal of sins, the conquest, the triumph of good and so on.


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How to Cite
Ma’arif, M. S. (2020). KEUTAMAAN ISTIGFAR: KANDUNGAN MAKNA ISTIGFAR TERHADAP HADIST RIWAYAT IBN MAJAH. Al-Adabiya: Jurnal Kebudayaan Dan Keagamaan, 14(02), 240-260.
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