Strategy for Strengthening Religious Moderation Education in Indonesia: The Post-Islamic Defense Movement 212

  • Mukhibat Mukhibat Institut Agam Islam Negeri Ponorogo
Keywords: religious moderation; management strategy; House of Religious Moderation; education policy


Education on Religious Moderation, Inclusion, and Commitment to World Peace is a program of the Jokowi administration, in line with increasing religious conservatism in the public sphere as marked by the emergence of the Action to Defend Islam 212. The findings show that two strategies are being implemented to increase understanding and tolerance among religious communities: forming 59 moderate religions in universities and establishing new study programs. The indicators for the value of our religious moderation education are based on national commitment and tolerance. The results of an evaluation of religious moderation education on 80 Ponorogo State Islamic Institute (IAIN) students showed that the highest student average was 65 points out of 100. The national disappointment index got the highest score of 90.8%, while tolerance got the lowest score of 15.3%. The study findings reveal that religious moderation education aligns with Chancellor's Decree 485/In.32.1/04/2021, receiving strong student support. Students emphasize the importance of trust, fairness, universal morals, human dignity, moderate values, prosperity, valuing diversity, and national commitment to advancing human life.


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How to Cite
Mukhibat, M. (2023). Strategy for Strengthening Religious Moderation Education in Indonesia: The Post-Islamic Defense Movement 212. QALAMUNA: Jurnal Pendidikan, Sosial, Dan Agama, 15(2), 825-836.
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