Current Issue

Vol 19 No 2 (2024): Al-Adabiya: Jurnal Kebudayaan dan Keagamaan

Al-Adabiya: Jurnal Kebudayaan dan Keagamaan ~ Journal of Culture and Religion (P-ISSN 1907-1191|E- ISSN 2540-9204) is a peer-reviewed open-access scholarly journal published by LP2M Institut Agama Islam Sunan Giri (INSURI) Ponorogo, Indonesia, that seeks to facilitate a critical and constructive dialogue among scholars from all research disciplines, especially in cultural and religious fields.

In this issue (Vol 19 No 2, Dec 2024), this journal publishes articles on culture and religion, including religious pop culture, cultural history, interplay between religion and culture on harmonious practices, and critical analyses of religious text on technological developments. Authors from Indonesia and Nigeria write the articles.

Published: 2024-10-09


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