Published: 2024-06-01

Job Satisfaction as Mediator Between Organizational Culture and Employee Performance in Government-owned Bank

Rahel Debora Raintung, Yisreel Veronica Warouw, Deske W. Mandagi, Toetik Wulyatiningsih


Linking Social Media Marketing and Brand Loyalty: The Mediating Role of Brand Gestalt

Sewow Cleopatra Queenditya, Lengkong Beatrix Lovely, Deske W. Mandagi


The Information Technology Effect, Quality Service, and Tax Sanctions on PBB Tax Compliance

Siti Miftachul Jannah, Anang Kistyanto, Andre Dwijanto Witjaksono


Cooperatives amid the Wave of Industrial Revolution 4.0: Opportunities and Challenges

Irvan Siswanto, Fajar Budiman, Farida Aini, Fiki Kurniawan, mesyha Suswita Aulia
